Before the storm…

The last practice before the two key matches we have and also before a long break. We had a different warm up. Instead of running around the field, we did a quick warm up that I saw the Brazilian national team doing. Well, it was a bit funny but at least we felt warm. I’ve tried two drills, one was a back heel and sprint, which was a disaster! It was too complicated in a short space. The second one was better, with two players sprinting from each side, zigzagging and then I pass to one of them to shoot. This was way more productive.

After that, we had had a 30 minutes scrimmage. I was so happy because it was the first time our German Panzer Franziska played with us and she scored a gorgeous free kick goal! Willkommen zurück! It was also the first time I could see all my players actually in the field (Ok, Sinead arrived 10 min to the end of the practice). The first time ever! Kyra, Maddi, Franziska, all playing! Wow! If man could cry, I would. It was a good practice too since Greta was shadowing Marta everywhere. By the end it was 2 x 2.

The cherry on the top of that was the arrival of our jerseys with our names and we will use tomorrow against YCIS, in the match of the league. YCIS just beat today German school, winning 6 points due the double points of the match so winning the match tomorrow is key if we want to be league champions. Let’s go for it girls! This league is in our reach!

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