2014-01-25 11.39.39Once more, a beautiful day to play the “jogo bonito”. Today was a simple tryout; a full length match. The girls played for 70 minutes with me alternating them in different positions so I could have an idea for the team. Bella (in the Dragons Cup swimming), Phoebe (SAT) and Greta still injured. It was good to see some nice dynamics between Alva, Hailey and Franziska. As a matter of a fact, it was amazing to see Franziska playing so at ease, specially after last season where she was injured for almost half of the season. Most of the players were able to play for the whole match. Tehillah even with a cold was able to score some goals and Suh-Young was extremely sore after the practice but everybody survived.

It will be so hard to pick the 12 players. For sure it’s the hardest selection I ever had in 4 years of SCIS. We have one more tryout before doing the final selection. The team roster will be published here on this site, Tuesday at 3PM. Good luck to you all.

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