ZumbaSo today was Zumba  time! The most anticipated and dreaded practice to some of us.  Dreaded by the ones that have an iron waistline like me and cannot dance at all. On the other hand we have people like Hailey and Inês that are natural dancers.

The instructor this time was Mr. Wardle. She made the girls dance/workout almost non-stop for one hour and a half. We had the pleasure to workout on the stage of the theatre, like stars! Franziska, Alva and Sinead lost this amazing opportunity. If you think it’s just fun, you are completely wrong. Zumba it’s an intense cardio exercise, that strengths the core and works a lot the leg muscles. Besides that, by the end of it, Ms. Wardle also worked with the girls push-ups, sit-ups and so on. It was awesome!